Our friends behind AV Edge have been committed to developing innovative products that can help people to live healthier and happier lives for over 15 years.
We believe their technology is a game-changer, and the thousands of people who make up their community of committed users tend to agree.
AV Edge products are designed to help you feel more energised and less fatigued. Their wristbands have been shown to be effective for athletes, equestrians, as well as people of all ages and walks of life.
Back in the day (aged 19) I had a bit of a prang XC which, apart from knocking me out cold for 8 days, resulted in a broken sternum, shoulder and caved in ribs. By 40, the aftermath of this accident and years of wear and tear from rugby it meant I couldn't even run. As opposed to easing, the more I tried to run the worse the back pain got. I tried everything - physio, chiro, swimming, tablets, even laser guided steroidal injections - nothing worked. So sadly, the weight piled on despite swimming lots and the ‘cycle of pain’ worsened. At Little Downham event in Ely, after judging one day, I met Trevor Marks (an ex Point to Point jockey) at the Mojo stand, who demonstrated the immediate effects the wristbands had on balance and core strength. He went on to explain the even better potential longer-term benefits on pain relief. I had nothing to lose so I gave it a go. Well within 2 weeks I could run and had finally broken the cycle of pain and weight gain. I was stunned!! This was about ten 10 years ago, and I haven't been without one since! Like lots of people who’ve tried them, there have been periods when the discs have worn through and I’d not replaced it in time and so the pain returned. As soon as I replaced it again the comfort / mobility returned within a few days. Miraculous! I’ve always sung the praises of the wristbands all over FB, and as a result sold hundreds for the company - So much so that Simon (the boss) asked me to help on the stands at Badminton, Burghley and Your Horse Live which I’ve thoroughly enjoyed. They’re hardworking, fun, genuine people with a fabulous product that can help sports people of all disciplines with their performance through increased core strength and balance. More importantly for me though, is that for those people the wrong side of 45 – there’s every chance it will you’re your aches and pains!
Alex's Honest Opinion
From speaking to thousands of people, there’ll be a small minority in which these bands won’t feel much benefit. The vast majority will feel an improvement somewhere. And for the lucky ones like me, it will be life changing! For £35 there is absolutely nothing to lose.
So read the information on their website, how they work, the studies and testimonials etc.. - I can honestly say that their studies are real and proven, WFP puts his name to it and I’ve personally met hundreds of folk who have experienced life changing health / mobility turnarounds. and of course, I’ve reaped the benefits myself!
I’m keen to help them implement a subscription service to ensure the wristbands turn up on your doorstep when the discs are starting to wear. No one should be without an AV wristband, ever!